Posted on 3/15/2020
Maintenance and repair to your emergency and parking brake is necessary for your safety and vehicle health. Each system within a vehicle is important but the brakes are considered top of the list. The name for a specific brake, like any vehicle part, is determined by the manufacturer. All brakes are important and should be maintained up to the vehicles’ specifications. Types of Brakes Parking Brake: A brake that is controlled electronically or that is within a vehicle that houses a manual transmission. This is because it is used to keep a car in place any time it is parked. Manual vehicles remain in neutral unless they are left in gear when parked, so the parking brake is needed to keep them in place. Automatic cars benefit from the use of a parking brake as well. This brake protects the parking pawl in the transmission that holds the car in place when the transmission is in Park. Emergency Brake: This term, though popular, is a bit misleadi ... read more